Sikran, Captain of the Sureki: ST
HERO: Pull
Phase Blades: MOVE (4) edge.
- HEROIC: Any hit will spawn Simulacrum.
Decimate: BEAMS (3); HIT Simulacrums.
Shattering Sweep: RUN OUT.
{T}{tank} Captain's Flourish: SWAP after 2 x Expose {/T}
|cffFF00FFSikran, Captain of the Sureki:|r ST {spell:32182}{spell:80353}{spell:390386} HERO: Pull {spell:433475} |cffFFBB33Phase Blades:|r MOVE (4) edge. - {skull} HEROIC: Any hit will spawn Simulacrum. {spell:442428} |cffFFBB33Decimate:|r BEAMS (3); HIT Simulacrums. {spell:456420} |cffFFBB33Shattering Sweep:|r RUN OUT. {T}{tank} {spell:439511} |cffFFBB33Captain's Flourish:|r SWAP after 2 x {spell:435401} |cffFFBB33Expose|r {/T}