Ulgrax the Devourer: ST
HERO: Pull
Stalker's Webbing: Dodge webs.
Carnivorous Contest: ALL soak, PULL IN.
Digestive Acid: Green circle, SPREAD/RUN/CLEAN webs
{T}{tank}: SWAP on 1 x Brutal Crush{/T}
{H}healer]: Beware Digestive Acid + constant dmg{/H}
Hulking Crash: Don't get KNOCKBACK into webs.
Juggernaut Charge: DODGE across the arena
Hungering Bellows: SWITCH/KILL adds
BRING Chunky Viscera to boss, USE Extra Action button to feed
{T}{tank}: MT stay with boss{/T}
{H}{healer}: Beware of increasing damage{/H}
|cffFF00FFUlgrax the Devourer:|r ST {spell:32182}{spell:80353}{spell:390386} HERO: Pull PHASE 1 (100 ENERGY): {spell:441451} |cffFFBB33Stalker's Webbing:|r Dodge webs. {spell:434776} |cffFFBB33Carnivorous Contest:|r ALL soak, PULL IN. {spell:435138} |cffFFBB33Digestive Acid:|r Green circle, SPREAD/RUN/CLEAN webs {T}{tank}: SWAP on 1 x {spell:434697} |cffFFBB33Brutal Crush|r{/T} {H}healer]: Beware {spell:435138} |cffFFBB33Digestive Acid|r + constant dmg{/H} INTERMISSION (ENDS AT 100 ENERGY): {spell:435341} |cffFFBB33Hulking Crash:|r Don't get KNOCKBACK into webs. {spell:436255} |cffFFBB33Juggernaut Charge:|r DODGE across the arena {spell:438012} |cffFFBB33Hungering Bellows:|r SWITCH/KILL adds BRING {spell:438657} |cffFFBB33Chunky Viscera|r to boss, USE Extra Action button to feed {T}{tank}: MT stay with boss{/T} {H}{healer}: Beware of increasing damage{/H}