The Bloodbound Horror: ST (Adds Prio)
Raid: Groups
HERO: Pull
Gruesome Disgorge: Frontal Cone on {tank}; 1,3,5,7 ODD; 2,4,6,8 EVEN
The Shadow Realm:
- {T}{tank} Tank Lost Watchers {/T}
- Black Bulwark: Interrupt.
- Manifest Horror: KILL; No reach boss.
Grasp From Beyond: Puddles AWAY; 1,2,move.
Goresplatter: RUN (60 yards).
Heroic: Spewing Hemorrhage: - Beams NO HIT Raid; DODGE.
|cffFF00FFThe Bloodbound Horror:|r ST (Adds Prio) |cffFF8000Raid:|r Groups {spell:32182}{spell:80353}{spell:390386} HERO: Pull {spell:444363} |cffFFBB33Gruesome Disgorge:|r Frontal Cone on {tank}; 1,3,5,7 ODD; 2,4,6,8 EVEN The Shadow Realm: - {T}{tank} Tank Lost Watchers {/T} - {spell:451288} |cffFFBB33Black Bulwark:|r Interrupt. - {spell:445174} |cffFFBB33Manifest Horror:|r KILL; No reach boss. {spell:443042} |cffFFBB33Grasp From Beyond:|r Puddles AWAY; 1,2,move. {spell:442530} |cffFFBB33Goresplatter:|r RUN (60 yards). {skull} Heroic: {spell:445936} |cffFFBB33Spewing Hemorrhage:|r - Beams NO HIT Raid; DODGE.