Rash'nan: ST (Burst AoE)
Kampfrausch zum Pull
Rolling Acid: RUN left & right.
Spinneret's Strands: RUN AWAY (from group and webs).
- Heroic: Any player hit gets webs.
Infested Spawn: MOVE IN melee; CC/KILL adds.
- Heroic: Don't overlap.
When FLY: CHASE; interrupt Acidic Eruption.
{T}{tank} SWAP on 1 x Savage Assault.[/T}
Heroic: Web Reave: ALL SOAK.
|cffFF00FFRash'nan:|r ST (Burst AoE) {spell:32182}{spell:80353}{spell:390386} Kampfrausch zum Pull {spell:439789} |cffFFBB33Rolling Acid:|r RUN left & right. {spell:439784} |cffFFBB33Spinneret's Strands:|r RUN AWAY (from group and webs). - Heroic: Any player hit gets webs. {spell:439815} |cffFFBB33Infested Spawn:|r MOVE IN melee; CC/KILL adds. - Heroic: Don't overlap. When FLY: CHASE; interrupt {spell:452806} |cffFFBB33Acidic Eruption|r. {T}{tank} SWAP on 1 x {spell:444687} |cffFFBB33Savage Assault|r.[/T} Heroic: {spell:439795} |cffFFBB33Web Reave:|r ALL SOAK.