Deathbringer Saurfang
- at 30% during Frenzy
Healers spread in a semi circle between boss and ranged with Vashti in the middle
Blood beasts
- Priority 1 is blood beasts
- Blood beasts must be single targeted - Zhazi and Paterina work here
- Hartt will cast 1st
- Timed Shadowfury here is good too if we have any destro locks
- Vashti must be in the middle of the room for pushback as soon as the blood beasts start moving after the shockwave and Zhazi has Thunderstorm as last resort
- Use all slows and stuns (hunter frost trap without entrapment/Chains of Ice/HoJ/Mind Flay/Piercing howl) - do not use snares as the beasts will turn and one shot melee
- Don't let beasts get within 10 yards - Locks can use and mages etc
{skull}Deathbringer Saurfang{skull} {spell:32182} - at 30% during Frenzy - Healers spread in a semi circle between boss and ranged with |cffFF7D0AVashti|r in the middle - {cross}Blood beasts{cross} - Priority 1 is blood beasts - Blood beasts must be single targeted - |cff0070DEZhazi|r {spell:49271} and |cffABD473Paterina|r {spell:49048} work here - |cffC79C6EHartt|r will cast {spell:46968} 1st - Timed Shadowfury {spell:47847} here is good too if we have any destro locks - |cffFF7D0AVashti|r must be in the middle of the room for {spell:61384} pushback as soon as the blood beasts start moving after the shockwave and |cff0070DEZhazi|r has Thunderstorm {spell:59159} as last resort - Use all slows and stuns (hunter frost trap {spell:13809} without entrapment/Chains of Ice{spell:45524}/HoJ{spell:10308}/Mind Flay{spell:48156}/Piercing howl{spell:12323}) - do not use snares as the beasts will turn and one shot melee - Don't let beasts get within 10 yards - Locks can use {spell:48020} and mages {spell:1953} etc